Keller Williams Heritage - Kristen Coker
Listing Courtesy Of: Keller Williams Heritage, (210) 493-3030, Kristen Bennett-Coker
Local Realty Services Provided By: Keller Williams Realty Heritage
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1202 Brads Flight, Canyon Lake, TX 78133
1202 Brads Flight, Canyon Lake, TX 78133
Estimation provided by Keller Williams Realty Inc.
For Sale
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Property Description

This 2.1-acre property in the gated community, The Enclave at Canyon Lake offers a unique opportunity to embrace a luxurious and relaxed lifestyle. Whether you're seeking a weekend retreat or a permanent residence, this remarkable property is sure to fulfill your desires for comfort, security, and natural beauty. The property is nestled amidst the breathtaking natural beauty of Canyon Lake, providing stunning views of the surrounding hills and landscapes. It's an ideal setting for nature enthusiasts and those seeking a serene escape. Seller has agreed to include the house plans with the purchase of the partially cleared lot, saving you time and money. Enclave at Canyon Lake amenities include; fishing, private airstrip, clubhouse, pool, lake park, controlled access. Make an appointment to view this spectacular property.

Property Details

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Property Type
Days on Site
123 Days
HOA Fees
Kristen Coker
TX 623348

Activity History

Data provided by Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
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No open houses are currently scheduled for this property. Don't worry - you can always schedule a tour, or get additional help from your agent.

Estimated Monthly Payment

Purchase Price:
Principal + Interest
Property Tax
Home Insurance
HOA/Condo Fee
Mortgage Insurance
Purchase Price
Purchase price has been changed to something other than the currently listed price.
Down Payment
Interest Rate
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Property Tax
Home Insurance /year
HOA/Condo Fees /month
Mortgage Insurance /month
Credit Score
This calculator is just an estimate. Contact Keller Williams for full and accurate assessment.

Price & Tax History

Property Tax
Assessed Value
Assessed Value is a combination of the land and additions.
(+ )
Land 177,700
Land 58,160
The Property History data displayed is obtained from public records and/or MLS feeds from the local jurisdiction in which the applicable property is located. As cannot guarantee that all public records and MLS data is accurate and error-free, it is important that you contact your agent directly in order to obtain the most up-to-date information available.
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Car-Dependent Walkable Very Walkable
Kristen Coker
TX 623348

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